
Finding Self I

Ever heard of the statement, "No one is you and that is your power"? Yes, it's true. You are the best version of you and no one can try being you. When you try to stand out by being someone else, it's called competition and not just that, it's an unhealthy competition. Good competition is healthy competition. It is setting boundaries. It is knowing yourself amongst others. If you are always comparing yourself with other humans beings, you will either suffer from ego or jealousy. What no one realizes is that true power lies within them. To become an individual, avoid competition. Stand out to be seen. Fit in to be unnoticed. And when you fit in to stand out, you're not in any way different, just ahead of the others like you. Many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. -Malcolm Forbes Jr Many people forget that they are on a spiritual level and think that they are on earth to survive. They forget that they are the soul and n


We live in a shame culture of stigma, ridicule, all a result of a lack of awareness. What we do not know, we do not try to find out about and still place our judgments on it; even though we do not know. Weird, we call the one who does everything contrary to the way others do. In a culture where unusual is scary, let us promote strange. What we have no knowledge about will remain scary to us. The ones who need help are not supposed to be scary. They are the neurodivergent and the Autistic individuals are one of the many. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a spectrum of behaviours. Before diving in, let's first get to know what ASD really is. ASD is a complex disorder of brain development. It consists of many disorders. Autism is something of the brain, something one is born with, which makes such person autistic. It is a condition and not a gift or a disease to be cured, so once autistic, always autistic. If you have just one autistic behaviour, you are still autistic. Everyone


Never value anything as profitable that compels you to break your promise, to lose your self-respect or to hate any man, to suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite, to desire anything that needs walls and curtains. - Marcus Aurelius Though formerly, shame led to repentance but nowadays it is rather the cause of destructive behaviour than the cure. Today, we feel shame but do not use it to change. Shame comes in the guise of violence, comparison, envy, desperation, addiction, perfectionism, bullying, self-criticism, suicide and even homicide. Using shame as a parenting tool comes in form of 'comparison' (which is narcissistic), name-calling, teasing, telling a child to hide his or her fault. We bring shame upon others when we: •Intimidate by talking down on others •Dehumanization due to age •Gender stereotype, amongst others. It is because of the fear of shame that we attack and blame others. - Brenè Brown. Shame and sin Ignorance is lack of knowledge and the sense o

Criticism II

Assumptions Assumption is one cause of most problems in today's world. Understanding is important before judging. Thinking is difficult and this is why most people conclude. Most people think it's because of some things that certain things do happen and they become registered to that idea. But it is not fair, using today's situation to judge tomorrow's actions or even at most, using behaviour to judge others. When most people conclude, they do not look outside of that obvious, immediate proof. First and foremost, first impressions do not matter and do not have to, except you seek for a life partner, it is one of the driving factors. But to be honest, we blame others' actions on their behaviour unless it's us. (This is what leads to insults but think about it, is that a great decision?) It does not matter, you may change. People change, most especially in times of trials, things change,  GOALS change. You can be anything, lead the life of your dreams or even play

Criticism I

Learn the truth, never assume Understand the plight, never judge Put yourself in someone's shoes, never hurt. Think before you act, reason before you react... -Kemi Sogunle  No one has it all figured out, especially not the people who are acting like they do and judging you because of it; pretending to be something you aren't because you're trying to get kissed up or please a bunch of judgmental hypocrites thereby losing yourself, is not the way to be happy. Only when you are evolved and live for you, will you realise that the goal is not to be liked. Strive healthy and focus on you to avoid competition. Living the life you want to live is the way to be happy. If you are truly happy, you will not think you have to do something for someone before they can be happy. They also have lives to live. All of your anxiety is because of your desire for harmony. Seek disharmony and you will gain peace.  -Rumi  If you realise that everyone is an individual with his own uniq