
Never value anything as profitable that compels you to break your promise, to lose your self-respect or to hate any man, to suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite, to desire anything that needs walls and curtains.
- Marcus Aurelius

Though formerly, shame led to repentance but nowadays it is rather the cause of destructive behaviour than the cure. Today, we feel shame but do not use it to change. Shame comes in the guise of violence, comparison, envy, desperation, addiction, perfectionism, bullying, self-criticism, suicide and even homicide. Using shame as a parenting tool comes in form of 'comparison' (which is narcissistic), name-calling, teasing, telling a child to hide his or her fault. We bring shame upon others when we:
•Intimidate by talking down on others
•Dehumanization due to age
•Gender stereotype, amongst others.

It is because of the fear of shame that we attack and blame others.
- Brenè Brown.

Shame and sin

Ignorance is lack of knowledge and the sense of shame proceeds from knowledge of evil and 'shame' itself is the opposite of bravery. Shame is good, in fact, shamelessness is a lack of conscience; a characteristic of 'abandoned wickedness' as seen in Phil. 3:19 (RSV). But it should be your motivation and not an avenue for wrath. Wrath is cruel and leads to evildoing (Psalm 37:8, Prov. 27: 4, Genesis 49:7).

Cruelty is never brave; it is the easiest way. Brenè Brown refers to it as 'chicken shit'. It's poppycock.
It takes no courage to pull out a gun to kill, no courage to 'hide' evidences, no courage to blackmail or threaten, and certainly, no courage to bully. It only takes shame and might but certainly not courage. This is the use of the element of fear to get what one wants. We do not recognize good without something considered bad. The bad things have to happen first, if there was no threat or bullying, there would be no courage. All these bring about fear. But what is the opposite of fear? It is courage. It is the coward acts from fear and shame. Courage drives away insecurities but shame is hidden. Empathy is the antidote for the negative results of shame. 

What it takes are ego (narcicissm), ignorance (being unaware of one's delusions) and weakness (manipulating situations to work for your good). It's an all in one thing definitely and wickedness is the overall driving factor. The morally profane and cannot distinguish right from wrong since it's nothing but their psychopathy (which is natural, by the way) that drives them. You have the wisdom within you. It takes only choice to manifest who you really are. 

 Hatred runs in their veins; the more angry, defeated, the more hatred. They act from envy, anger and disgust therefore, without remorse and through impulse, carry out their plans and perfect, they see it. Anger without any feelings of remorse or a mournful heart or conscience is a sign of witchcraft and wickedness. But what they did not see due to their moral depravation and ignorance is the drive. They hide to destroy and are scared of truth. If you think there is shame in shedding light on evil works and listing their flaws to feel better then let's see. In the end, truth is the ultimate rebel.

Because of the weakness, such people complain at the slightest pains they feel and the slightest criticism makes them cringe. They mostly fear death. What pains me is that many want to live long but without anything of value to contribute to humankind. How will you seek valour but possess no virtue. Naturally, we have to educate ourselves so things we do can be controlled and to avoid ignorance. Out of superiority complex, these people always think they are right and are the most. But they are not always right. They rebel, hide lie, persuade and manipulate, use every situation as an advantage, it might be through humans, objects or even the law. What they do most is justify idiocy by make believe. The bible refers to such people as 'reprobates'. They take control of the minds of people, holding them in bondage. 

One could be power hungry and decide to manipulate situations and the course of things, as this person is proud and form self laws due to selfish ambition. Due to Indiscipline and lack of integrity, they go against rules and the status quo. Inflated ego, which could also be pride, is a defense mechanism to cover up weaknesses and insecurity. They forcefully seek respect and obedience. As a result of ego, they question authority, disregardful of who is in control. These people are unprincipled but well respected. They get respected, most especially when it comes to slavery.

They are popular and people trust open people. This is because of the tactical manipulation and smartness. People get easily deceived with smiles and looks. People fall prey for exciters and agitators. With dishonesty, they operate with these people. You will have the best first impression with them. They are like wolves in sheep's clothing. Such people who use things, objects. They defy objects for questionable causes. This is rebellion. What more if they are exposed, the worst is on it's way. Fear does its worst in them. This brings us to shame. They fear the truth and have so many weak points. Their main traits are hypersensitivity and victimhood.

Shame also arises when you think, 'I am UNLOVABLE'. So you use your mindset to exploit others to believe you are. This is self-criticism. You are not your burnt food or dirty house. If you see yourself in that manner then you are inviting others to do the same. You are loved, not even despite that vulnerability but because of it. But remember, you are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes. At least that makes us know that management is potential. It is the work of shame.

Even when you do something you do not want to even after repentance, it is the old Adam in you, the root of shame. You are a born sinner. You have two seeds within you; that of good and that of evil. People will make you go against your original purpose. But we fall to rise again. It is this which brings us closer to God. If we do not fall, how will we rise again and again. It is the lust of your body that causes temptation, not God or anyone else but you, the sin in you. God was not tempted by any evil. This is one single thing we should be ashamed of, sin. Temptation comes from your own lust, your choice of pleasure. Lust arises from absence of reason. 

Satan drives you to sin but you can choose to do it or not. This is where pain and pleasure comes in. Adam was of course given the power to choose between right and wrong and was never ever tempted or lured but only disobedient. Reasoning has power to stop temptation. Pleasure and pain are controlled by reason. This means that reason is guided by conscience. Your judgement of good and bad depends on you and it is this which defines who you really are. So one has to be driven either by the ego or by moral conscience. This is the process and act of self control. It is your choice. This is what makes pride and the love for power dangerous. This is the process and act of self control. It is your choice. 

Shame and you
Those you think do not like you even try so hard to get or have that thing you have which they do not possess. One thing such people do best is imitate you. Those who want to be like you engage in envy, hate, strife, competition. No one is you and that is your power. Jesus has sacrificed his son so why worry when His grace has already been made sufficient for you. That's the convenant between you and Christ. God will always be your advocate. Your hope, confidence and peace are with Him. And as we choose to trust God and be like Him, we will be more confident with who we are. 2Cor. 12:10 says, For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

If shame loves you, then you will hide. Do not give power to shame. Tell your stories and let others learn from it. Be sacred but do it anyways. To some, vulnerability is equal to shame. But adversary is your greatest friend. It teaches you things about yourself you did not know you were capable of.

One thing is upon all shame, you cannot shame others into changing their behaviours. The most shallow people are those without strong minds, those who upon hearing about others immediately change their views about them, most especially without investigating. These people are referred to as 'the impressionables' because they believe almost everything without questioning. 

We are children of God and the words we use for the Creator are a reflect of ourselves. If we think of God as fear and shame, we are scared and have something to be ashamed of. But if we see love, compassion, kindness, it is because we possess these qualities. 
-Shams Tabrizi

When you see people and term them as bad, it is because you also have it within you. If you do not, you would not judge in that way. Everyone you see is a mirror of you. You only look for your qualities in each person. Even the rose's rarest essence lives in the thorns. The truth is, whatever you love, you are. Whatever you hate, you are yet to discover within yourself and this is because, there is nothing outside of us. Everything is processed by us, everything we see, say or do.

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you. Whoever sees the beauty, the positive, even in the most ugly situations. The most dangerous people, it does not really mean that the beauty is really in them but your light shines into their darkness whenever they are near. The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. When there is so much beauty within you, you cannot help but see it everywhere. This is the exact thing which happens when you love.

Jesus died for our sins. But if you keep repeating the same thing, even after knowing the right thing, it's judgment that remains for you except you compensate through just one thing, it is just one sinner coming back to Christ, it is serving God through men. Love covers a multitude of sins.
But I believe God has not made anyone evil. He created us in his image. You are both the creator and the creation. If we do not have His quality, then we are not his children. There is even no one who thinks of himself as evil. Every evildoer sees what he does as right to himself. If going to church is what makes you a christian, then going to the garage also makes you a car. You are not a child of God until it is displayed in your actions and inactions. Your quality is to love. The only way I reach God is through love because I was given the gift of love and it is this love which I give to others. 

We only become distracted by worldly elements; our petty desires dim the radiance. The trees, birds were created before man. Even God had known the greed of man ever since but He still blessed man. We only fail to realise how there are much more bigger contexts in life than just us. It is not a sin being human, it is only a sin when we turn our mistakes into crime. Shame is not needed for being human, you do not want to impress your fellow human as a human. With empathy, there is no competition. We are all made of strength and struggle. This is our authenticity. Shame is the opposite of authenticity. The bible urges us to avoid shame.

Whoever is not from God is from Satan. Whomever isn't from God, isn't original. He or she could be from a love potion. Those are the voldemorts with poison in their veins. Those are the people without shame. Those are people involved in idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murder, drunkenness, revellings and the likes. The result of sin is eventually death.

Conscience is a sign of God in your heart. The most little thing matters. The children of God have the fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. To be a child of God means to display his qualities. If you know that your real quality is to love, all these qualities cannot exist. Respect yourself as God's child. Our radiance shines in every atom of creation yet our petty desires which bring about envy or anger, keep it hidden. 

Did you know that all the good are friends of one another. It is written that against such good, there is no law. Possesing christ-like qualities is what makes you a Christian. Life and light coexist. Without heart, there is no love. Without soul, there's no life. Without inner light, it's death. Light always wins. Remember, the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. This fear comes only when you're insightful or willing to be. I do not think God wants you to be simple. Wisdom is of no use without understanding. And without understanding, you cannot love. You will only receive wisdom from God when you walk in his path. When we are good, we are reborn. You become a wandering, unsettled spirit when you engage in evildeeds because it is not your true purpose. You were created for a beautiful purpose; each and everyone. God is not just in heaven. He is within us. We are both the creator and the creation. There is no heaven and no hell. Heaven is in the present and hell is in the present. Do not die before death. The same way life goes on is the same way death goes on. 

Think of it. How will human destroy a place meant for humans should live. Think. This is why some people cannot imagine it at all. All these are not human operations. It is a result of inner deadness so it happens in a state of unconscious. The devil is empty on the inside and this is why you fall prey to anything. You become mediocre or ordinary. When this happens, the soul is absent. Not being aware of what you are doing wrong makes you morally depraved. These actions are no different from that of animals. It is even an insult to the animals. They do not eat their kind. They look for them and move with them. God does not like anything unholy interfering with your spirit (and even biological make up). It is sin. This is why knowing oneself is important. When you do, you can neither destroy yourself nor others. These rebels are the so-called Wetigos, the Voldemorts, the seeds of Cain, the children of the devil. They lie to deceive others and do not like to see the light. This could be what defines the sociopath.

If you were not born from love, or guided by love or do not possess love, you will be led by darkness and walk in its path. Love is your mother. Without love, there is no life. Life starts at the center of your heart, which is the most beautiful place. Let love guide you. The most beautiful thing is that God is love. This means you were born of love, and given the gift of love. You were not given the power of fear but that of strong mind to be courageous in any time of shame and ability to manage shame, with refence to biblical scripture, II Timothy 1:7. If you think no one loves you, you are very wrong because God loves you so much so who are others to hate you who is the child of God and belong to Him.


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